Genus of commuting conjugacy class graph of certain finite groups

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tezpur University, Sonitpur, India

2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tezpur University, Napaam-784028, Sonitpur, Assam, India. Department of Mathematics, Cachar College, Silchar-788001, Assam, India.


For a non-abelian group $G$, its commuting conjugacy class graph $\mathcal{CCC}(G)$ is a simple undirected graph whose vertex set is the set of conjugacy classes of the non-central elements of $G$ and two distinct vertices $x^G$ and $y^G$ are adjacent if there exists some elements $x' \in x^G$ and $y' \in y^G$ such that $x'y' = y'x'$. In this paper we compute the genus of $\mathcal{CCC}(G)$ for six well-known classes of non-abelian two-generated groups (viz. $D_{2n}, SD_{8n}, Q_{4m}, V_{8n}, U_{(n, m)}$ and $G(p, m, n)$) and determine whether $\mathcal{CCC}(G)$ for these groups are planar, toroidal, double-toroidal or triple-toroidal.


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